目前分類:教育 (6)

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fedrick 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


fedrick 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

我国副首相慕尤丁说,他认为政府有必要废除UPSR, PMR全国大考,因为现有的教育机制似乎只注重考试,以致政府无法贯彻更全面的教育制度。所以,到时只需要一项全国大考,如大马教育文凭考试(SPM)。详情请看这里


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Nowadays, many people know the terms of thinking outside the box (sometimes erroneously called "thinking out of the box"). Many people especially academic staffs and educators often advocate thinking outside the box and they can list out enormous advantages of it. Some of the advocators have even developed a plenty of tools in how to think outside the box such as lateral thinking, intergalactic thinking, creative thinking, so on and so forth. 

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